
People Change, Perhaps People Don’t Change…

  The worst thing about starting is the difficulty of the very first step to starting, in this scenario it would be how to open any sentence. I frown at anything corny and lately I have been obsessed with this colloquial statement "and stuff" so I really was about to throw it in here - oh wait I just did.  Another thing I just did is open {sighs in relief}. Failing a great deal isn't something I look forward to either so I hope this wasn't corny - but it works for me. So let's do this again…  Hey Dainty, couple of minutes it's been(a little over 24months if you want to play honest)... I might be here for a short while perhaps longer. Longer as the period I have been scared of dogs; that would be close to two decades.Come with me - I'm taking you to when I was aged 4,5 or 6 . I'd love to say "we" but I will not associate myself because of a result of a mere incident that would define my whole life of not being a dog person. So let's try th

An Open mad letter to God

 God, All that?! Yes you are the mighty God and all that - I will never for a mere second doubt that. After all here I am writing to you, you gave me that… I love you and all but right now I am so mad at you God. Let me do this; I come to you today not as a servant but as your daughter. [sighs] ouch Father ouch! I have heard them say there’s no counsel against God and I believe them, I mean this statement has helped me forgive what I thought wasn’t forgivable but then I’m thinking what relationship is there between Father and daughter if we don’t get to iron some of these things out? I’m really not that brave it’s just that’s how I feel right now. I think at times things you let happen are so not fair: Your will? It hurts sometimes… Funny enough [pauses] (well I’m not laughing)…[continues] funny enough I have or I think I have all the answers to my questions but what do I do when it’s not working. Answers like “all things will work together for my good”, “what the enemy meant for evil,


  Social media is a dangerous place for a person who doesn't truly know themselves. You'll end up having other people's opinions as your own if you're easy to persuade " ~ Sheer_Opulence IMPRESSIONABLE : Someone who is very susceptible to being influenced, almost like a sponge that soaks up ideas . If you call someone impressionable , it usually implies that they could be easily led astray Synonyms : tractable / pliant / susceptible/ plastic or spinnable bzzzz! I don't know if I should start by saying yes I am tractable or was or rather I am somewhere in between, definitely not going back to the porch though. There really is nothing wrong with social media and there really is nothing wrong with being a sponge either. I stumbled upon this statement on "social media"; Instagram to be precise and got overwhelmed by a couple of unwanted feelings, hence I concur it really Is a dangerous place, not only it - being easily led astray is a nightmare, I spea

🌻💫its been a while

  It's been a while... It's been a while since I actually sat down and decided to write something. Your guess is as good as mine "things are going pretty well over here" and because only pain triggers my writing skills which ain't much but something; I haven't been in touch with one of my loves...dear love I hope you fail me not on this one! I figured on the onset of this blogging journey that I did mention and still stand by it that "I'm on my way home, a whole lot of you shall come too" and that I'm trying to know me too, ergo you deserve to read about my happiest moments too now don't you? It's kind of odd and suspicious that a whole being who has known more pain than joys could be living what I choose to believe is the best of her life...maybe I am celebrating too soon but would you blame me, I mean I have prayed for this moment and it's been in the hood for a while now.  A moment of unexplainable peace of course with a few

Walk Me Home🌻

 Oh species you need not use a razor blade to see my blood, just come in. Right here it's where its red, eww 🤢 is that clot?...oh wait a minute its healing. You promised you will walk me home, quit asking how far we are. But I can't help telling you, I can't help it because we are so close I'm excited. I wanted it to be a surprise, I wanted to see how far you would  come with me, boy!!! You should have been named Perseverance, wait I don't mean it I would hate to see you carry that title when I myself lack it. I am quite sure you getting bored with all these riddles but I never really promised to entertain you, its how I would like to get home. I am a 22 year old and my life has been filled with more downs than ups. But before I go on let me clarify this for you things are looking up again and sweetheart this time around we are not going back to Egypt. Back to the years: 10 have been joyful, 12 are the reason I am writing in the first place so I can get back to tha

Can I be transparent with you

"There's really nothing to writing, you just sit at a type writer and bleed" I would like to 92% agree with this statement, the other 8% are in disagreement because I do not own a type writer and most probably never will. It's just me and my paper on a go with my somewhat naked pen. This is me trying to face my writing anxiety, this is me trying to shoot my shot. I am not a writer let alone a good one for that matter. But its the only thing, well not only but one of the things I consider myself good at. I have a lot of talk in my head than I actually speak, it was until recently I realised that bottling up means I had come to terms with the number of attendees I have gathered for my funeral past the years which isn't the case because I'm not done yet. Of course you do not care about what I have to say or write about and right now you're probably wondering why then am I doing this? Well I do not care either and I don't expect you to...stop

A Letter to love💛🌻

🌻 Dear Love Known by many,felt by many and moreso magical to many. God given to a dozen, a painful experience or rather a learning point to a number. Dear love I myself do not know where I fit in this category but what I do know is I've once felt you,had you and God knows I long for that beautiful feeling once again. Think about it,you love are the greatest weapon of mass destruction literally (in a good way of cause from a Christian perspective and in a bad way of cause from a shattered heart perspective) its a two sided coin. You leave hearts in the open,you love allow dry bones to live,you penetrate so deeply into the bones leaving them vulnerable to the foreign enemy "HATE", I am not here to teach you on how to be you I am just but a student of your great works dear love. How about next time, how about next time you do not forget to fence my chambers. A wise man spoke and still speaks of marriage as a huge wall,do not get me wrong my letter to you presently